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HarrisonStevens wins Landscape Institute Scotland Popular Vote!

Landscape Architect
/ Awards
December 8 2016

HarrisonStevens wins popular vote at Landscape Institute Scotland exhibition ‘Architecture in the context of Landscape’, part of Festival of Architecture 2016.

HarrisonStevens were very pleased to accept the Landscape Institute popular prize this evening for their work at Maggie’s centre at Gartnavel.

The vision for this project was to create a fully immersive landscape which embraces the building and parallels the user’s ever-changing journey through their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Time and reflection are important aspects of healing and this was central to the design for the courtyard garden and the woodland walk down to the reflection garden.

The exhibition was not only a chance to celebrate Landscape Institute Scotland’s members contribution to the Year of Architecture but was also an opportunity to meet and welcome Daniel Cook, the new CEO of LI.

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