Challenge 07/10 – Landscapes – Pick your 10 favourite landscapes

In May 2019, we were set 10 challenges by clients and fellow consultants at our studio reception. Philip Macdonald of Oberlanders Architects set us this challenge, ‘Pick your 10 favourite landscapes, 10 favourite beers and talk about them as a team’
Lets Talk about Landscape
Strangely enough for team of Landscape Architects and Urban Designers “What is your favourite landscape?” is not a conversation we have had before and if we’re honest, we all had to think long and hard as to what our choices would be…. What ensued was an eye opening and inspiring whistle stop tour of some of the most beautiful places in the world, each selected because they mean something special to the team.
A variety of natural and man-made landscapes were selected and over the last 12 months we have been transported around the globe and back again with brief stops in Shanghai, Thailand, Canada, the plains of Africa, Iceland, Yosemite, Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Baja California, Devon, Venice, Oregon and the less sunny but equally beautiful Yorkshire Dales.
The challenge has been embraced and enjoyed by all and it has been a great way for the team to get to know each other and our back stories a little bit better over a couple of beers, wines and shorter drinks, including non-alcoholic options… – thank you for setting the challenge Phil!
Who would have thought that there were so beers that could be paired up with landscapes? We had a pop music-based beer tour of Europe, cocktail sipping in Venice, and some black sheep ale in search of the perfect straight curve straight in Yorkshire. All the landscapes presented have had a significant impact on the team members life, childhood holidays in Kenya, high school research projects, beautiful landscapes to expectations unfulfilled. This challenge has reinforced our understanding that landscapes are powerful, they can embed themselves into our memories with strong connections and emotions. We have learned so much about each other with great presentations and beautiful landscapes, accompanied by lovely drinks. Slàinte Mhath Phil.