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Christmas with HarrisonStevens

HarrisonStevens Christmas Party 2019

This year HarrisonStevens celebrated the start of the festive season with our ten challenges in mind.

Secret Santa brought many wonderful gifts and lots of smiles. Some were environmentally themed, bee-inspired or Munro focused while others were a wee bit more personal.

The festive meal was thoroughly enjoyed with stories of old and future ambitions shared. The team mulled over veganism, the economy, HarrisonSteven’s ‘Story’ but mostly what they had ordered for pudding.

After our dinner, we worked hard to work off a three-course dinner at 10 pin bowling. Some achieved strikes while others needed to work on their game. But all in all a fun and well deserved night out was enjoyed.

Wishing you all a very merry festive break and best wishes for 2020.

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